Company History
November 1995
Founded Marcom Visual Creation, Inc. (Marcom), a video production technology company that was the predecessor of the group, in Manhattan, New York, NY USA
March 2000
Founded Marlinks Studio, LLC, a real estate investment management company, in Manhattan, New York, NY, and purchased an office and studio space in the Hell’s Kitchen area of Manhattan
February 2002
Founded Martech Production, Inc. (Martech) in Manhattan, New York, NY as the technical arm of Marcom
June 2003
Moved the Martech management office to Westchester, NY
September 2011
Moved the Martech management office to Long Island City, Queens, New York
April 2016
Founded Marcom Global Holdings, LLC, an operational management company of the Marcom Global Group, in Manhattan, New York, transferred all business operations of Marcom to Marcom Global Vision, LLC as of the end of April
May 2016
Invested in Marcom Global Vision, LLC, a new company of the Marcom Group, in Manhattan, New York
August 2016
Moved Martech to 1 Third Avenue #723, Mineola, NY 10501 on Long Island, NY
December 2019
Closed in Martech and Marcom Group Holdings, LLC takes over technology business.
January 2020
Reorganization of the Marcom Global Group, with the management of all business operations of Marcom Group under the control of Marcom Global Holdings, LLC.
Started business alliance with ZaZou Productions, Inc. and expanded production business through collaboration with Marcom Global Vision, LLC.
May 2020
Dissolved Marcom Global Vision, LLC, unified Marcom business operations with Marcom Global Holdings, LLC and strengthened business alliance with ZaZou Productions, Inc.
Dec 2022
Marcom closed its doors.

Masashi Miyama
Managing Direcctor
Marcom Global Group
This will be the final year of business for the Marcom Group - After 27 years of serving the international production business community, we are closing our doors.
We sincerely appreciate you for all of your support and friendship over the past 40 years including years preceding Marcom that we have worked in the industry. We hope to see you again sometimes and somewhere in the future.
Arigato from the bottom of our hearts!
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